Thursday, May 7, 2020
Evidence Bases Practices - 1650 Words
There are approximately 5 million people under community supervision, either probation or parole, on any given day in the United States. Probation is a criminal sanction that permits court supervision of an offender in the community rather than sentencing him or her to prison. Due to Assembly Bill 109, probation practices have substantially increased. In order to accommodate a proficient environment for prisoners, in 2011, the United States Supreme Court ordered California to drastically reduce its inmate population. Assembly Bill 109, alternatively called the Realignment Act, is intended to shift low-level state offenders to county jail or replacement programs known as post-release community supervision (PRCS), similar to parole and†¦show more content†¦In order to better understand evidence-based practices it is important to find how it compares to similar approaches, such as restorative justice. Assessing risk/needs and enhancing intrinsic motivation are two evidence-base d practices worth thoroughly analyzing and discussing to determine if both the victims and the offender experience justice, and if community concerns are addressed. The first and most important step of evidence-based practices is to assess the risks and needs of the offender. It is essential to identify the risks and needs of the offender to better understand his or her reasons for committing crime, and to then build a plan to make sure better decisions are made in the future. According to the Crime Justice Institute, the goal of the risk/needs assessment is to, â€Å"develop and maintain a complete system of ongoing offender risk screening/triage and needs assessments. Sizing-up offenders in a reliable and valid manner is a prerequisite for the effective management (supervision and retreatment) of offenders†(3). Every offender is different; therefore, a in-depth assessment of each offender can provide a clear direction created specifically for him or her to become a law-abiding citizen. Critical information of the assessment may consist of the criminal history of the offender, and the criminogenic needs of the offender. CriminalShow Mo reRelatedA Brief Note On Mariana s Condition On The Bases Of Evidence Base Practice1811 Words  | 8 Pagescloser to Marina’s condition on the bases of evidence base practice. Evidence-based practice is a process of making any clinical decision on the bases of evidence and can be combined with patients’ values and experience of clinical expertise. The essay will firstly describe, analyses the paper 1 by Haaren et al., 2015 and then pilot study by Kim et al., 2013. 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