Monday, December 23, 2019
Gender Differences in Leadership Styles and Behaviour
LEADERSHIP AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT Gender Differences in Leadership Presented by: Karishma Sehgal Roll number: 088520 Table of contents SNo. | Title | 1 | Overview of the study | 2 | Objectives of this study | 3 | Masculine and feminine leadership | 4 | Factors that influence an individual’s leadership style(Not gender-linked) | 5 | Leadership - The Indra Nooyi Way | 6 | Howard Shultz - Leadership Of Starbucks Coffee | 7 | Comparative study of the leadership styles of Indra Nooyi and Howard Schultz | 8 | Conclusion | 9 | References | Gender Differences in Leadership Styles and Behaviour Overview of the study: The term leaders refers to persons holding formal positions of leadership in complex organizations in†¦show more content†¦3. Male leaders put tasks before relationships Men are considered to set tasks before relationships, while women on the other hand are more people- oriented and focus more on establishing interpersonal relationships. They are warmer and softer compared to their male counterparts. 4. Male leaders are more inclined to an authoritative style Male leaders more frequently operate in mediums bound by hierarchy, status, rules and orders. In contrast, women normally function with connectivity and closeness as paramount. For women, status and hierarchy are not key and women are not predisposed to giving orders, but rather express preferences and suggestions which are likely accepted. 5. Male leaders communicate â€Å"to-the-point†Male leaders usually keep it short and sweet. No personal talk, just down to business and go. Female leaders on the other hand talk on a more personal note while addressing subordinates. According to Rolf Granà ©r there are general scattered attitudes which make men and women function differently (Granà ©r, 1994). Those attitudes are the following: Male properties | Female properties | Result oriented | Relation oriented | Logical | Intuitive | Independent | Dependent | Focused on competition | Cooperativeness | Restrained | Emotional | Investigating | Caring | Selfish | Understanding | Powerful | Soft | Bold | Careful | (GENDER SCATTERED ATTITUDES, GRANÉR 1994, P.122) Factors that influence an individual’s leadership style (NotShow MoreRelatedComparison Of Herrmann Brain Dominance Indicator1203 Words  | 5 Pages Leadership and Gender Herrmann Brain Dominance Indicator Executive Summary: This journal seeks to discuss recent identifications and explanations of gender differences in leadership, behaviour effectiveness in organizations. The models are reviewed based on their contribution and arguments, contextual issues of international and national as well, stereotype and perception of superior and subordinate roles are reviewed and discussed. 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