Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Should Students Be Receive A Better Education About Mental...
Every teenager lost to suicide leaves behind scared and confused loved ones. Despite being a prosperous country, the United States is plagued with a sickness that cannot be as easily cured as chicken pox and is even more difficult for many Americans to understand. When one is ill, they go to the hospital, but when one suffers from a mental illness, he or she is often met with scrutiny and shame. Should students be given a better education about mental illness, stigma towards the mentally ill be removed, and policies be instated in schools letting students seek help, suicidal teenagers would be more likely to seek potentially life-saving treatment. The idea of committing suicide, the act of killing oneself, has become increasingly common among teenagers who often find it difficult to recover from short term bumps in the road. The idea of escaping from responsibility and stress is appealing to many depressed and out-casted young people who have yet to think of the long-term consequence of death. In his article â€Å"Teen Suicide†Victor M. Parachin cites statistics taken by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention which concludes that â€Å"[. . .] thoughts of suicide by teens are on the rise. Of the teens surveyed [. . .] 15.8 percent indicated they had seriously considered suicide, up from 13.8 percent two years earlier.†(Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Parachin, 2014, p. 36). Although the percentage of teenagers who had contemplated suicide is bellow twentyShow MoreRelatedSociety And Psychological Disorders ( Dsm 5 )1594 Words  | 7 PagesSociety and Psychological Disorders In recent years, mental illness has risen from the shadows to the forefront of economic problems in America. Each year millions of Americans are diagnosed with mental disorders and are left unprotected. Since most of society has given up on mental illness, these people are not able to get the specialized care that is needed. Furthermore, these people face discrimination in areas such as education and employment. Some individuals with psychologicalRead MoreMedical And Psychological Treatment Of Mental Health1141 Words  | 5 PagesThere is a severe lack of understanding about mental health throughout many communities throughout the country. Because of this, many people do not accept the fact that mental illness is a genuine struggle that many people face on a daily basis and, as a result, most do not understand how widespread it is, particularly for adolescents. According to recent research, 10-15% of teenagers have experienced some symptoms of depression, roughly 20% percent of teens will experience depression before theyRead MoreSevere Effects Of Neglected Mental Health Essay1402 Words  | 6 Pagesfor The City Wire, â€Å"mental illness is something we whisper about, hoping the neighbors don t hear. We skirt around the issue at family gatherings when we re asked why Jennie is still living at home, why Sam refuses to leave his room†(par. 5). Thousands of men and women in the United States suffer from one or more mental illnesses, and are unfortunately ignored, negatively affecting many aspects of their lives. In fact, â€Å"one in five Americans will suffer from a mental illness in his or her lifetimeRead MoreThe Psychology Of Mental Illness1177 Words  | 5 PagesWhen it comes to mental illness, I have the point of view of someone who is training to be a health care professional. During my past clinical experience as a nursing student at the Alberta Hospital Edmonton, I was immersed in an environment filled with individuals who were acutely mentally ill, and two of these individuals were my patients. While â€Å"The Sociology of Mental Illness†is an excellent source of information about mental illness in the context of sociology, based on my experience at AlbertaRead MoreThe Stigma Of Mental Illness1602 Words  | 7 Pageshave seeked to improve care and reduce stigma around those with mental illness. This began in 1942, when Harry Truman signed the National Mental Health Act, which requested the formation of a National Institute of Mental Health. Shortly after this, in 1949, the National Institute of Mental Health was established (â€Å"National Institute of Mental Health†). During the company’s 60 year lifespan they have focused on research about mental illness, educating the public, and improving the lives of the mentallyRead MoreThe Inclusion Of Education On Mental Illness1461 Words  | 6 PagesArguing For the Inclusion of Education on Mental Illness Mental illness affects millions of people around the world. What is surprising, however, is the lack of public information and education about mental illness. With the amount of undiagnosed mental illnesses and disorders as well as the number of suicide attempts that occur daily, it should become a priority for the education system to introduce public classes on mental illness for not just adults or teens but for younger children as well. EducatingRead MoreThe And 643 Poster Presentation1559 Words  | 7 PagesCLASHING VIEWS IN Special Education Unit 3 Presented by: Sheila Mutinta Phipps University of North Carolina - Greensboro Prevention Mental Health Screening is broadly defined by NCBI as â€Å"†¦a two-part process that first identifies risk factors or early phenotypic features (behaviors, bio-markers) whose presence in individuals makes the development of psychological or behavioral problems more likely, and then segments the relevant subset of the population to receive a unique preventiveRead MoreLabeling Individuals, Nurses Prescribing Needed Medications For Psychiatric Patients, And The Argument On The Insanity Plea1466 Words  | 6 Pagespsychiatric patients, and the argument on the insanity plea are among the many mental health debates happening in the world today. This world is full of many cultures that have diverse definitions of norms, healthy, and deviance, which makes deciding who is making the correct argument very difficult. There is no one solid answer to the multitude of questions that come along with the dealings of anyone with a mental illness or diagnosis. This essay will expl ore multiple possibilities of both sides ofRead MoreAttention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder1398 Words  | 6 Pagesoverlook some of the mental issues in our peers among us, especially in some school systems. At least 20 percent of youth ages 13 through 18 live with mental illnesses today. A mental illness can be defined as a dysfunction of the brain that causes mild to severe disturbances in thought or behavior, resulting in an inability to coupe with life’s ordinary demands and routines. Overall there are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness. There are some types of mental illness that are more commonRead MoreHelping Students with Personal Problems in School784 Words  | 3 PagesMany people fear talking about their personal problems, but consider this, if schools provided programs and help for students to assist them with these issues, would anything really change? Statistics show that only 2% of the health budgets being used in schools are used towards mental health issues. (Judge David L.) The lack of effort schools put into helping students suffering with a mental illness is causing drop out rates to be at a point where they shouldn’t be. Students and parents feel at risk
Monday, December 23, 2019
Gender Differences in Leadership Styles and Behaviour
LEADERSHIP AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT Gender Differences in Leadership Presented by: Karishma Sehgal Roll number: 088520 Table of contents SNo. | Title | 1 | Overview of the study | 2 | Objectives of this study | 3 | Masculine and feminine leadership | 4 | Factors that influence an individual’s leadership style(Not gender-linked) | 5 | Leadership - The Indra Nooyi Way | 6 | Howard Shultz - Leadership Of Starbucks Coffee | 7 | Comparative study of the leadership styles of Indra Nooyi and Howard Schultz | 8 | Conclusion | 9 | References | Gender Differences in Leadership Styles and Behaviour Overview of the study: The term leaders refers to persons holding formal positions of leadership in complex organizations in†¦show more content†¦3. Male leaders put tasks before relationships Men are considered to set tasks before relationships, while women on the other hand are more people- oriented and focus more on establishing interpersonal relationships. They are warmer and softer compared to their male counterparts. 4. Male leaders are more inclined to an authoritative style Male leaders more frequently operate in mediums bound by hierarchy, status, rules and orders. In contrast, women normally function with connectivity and closeness as paramount. For women, status and hierarchy are not key and women are not predisposed to giving orders, but rather express preferences and suggestions which are likely accepted. 5. Male leaders communicate â€Å"to-the-point†Male leaders usually keep it short and sweet. No personal talk, just down to business and go. Female leaders on the other hand talk on a more personal note while addressing subordinates. According to Rolf Granà ©r there are general scattered attitudes which make men and women function differently (Granà ©r, 1994). Those attitudes are the following: Male properties | Female properties | Result oriented | Relation oriented | Logical | Intuitive | Independent | Dependent | Focused on competition | Cooperativeness | Restrained | Emotional | Investigating | Caring | Selfish | Understanding | Powerful | Soft | Bold | Careful | (GENDER SCATTERED ATTITUDES, GRANÉR 1994, P.122) Factors that influence an individual’s leadership style (NotShow MoreRelatedComparison Of Herrmann Brain Dominance Indicator1203 Words  | 5 Pages Leadership and Gender Herrmann Brain Dominance Indicator Executive Summary: This journal seeks to discuss recent identifications and explanations of gender differences in leadership, behaviour effectiveness in organizations. The models are reviewed based on their contribution and arguments, contextual issues of international and national as well, stereotype and perception of superior and subordinate roles are reviewed and discussed. Rational differences are reviewedRead MoreWomen And Leadership - Female Form Of Male Form1652 Words  | 7 PagesTitle: Women and leadership – female form of male form? The Pitch: The debate about the difference in leadership style of women and men continues to attract attention as women make strides into leadership position dominated mainly by men. The focus of the debate concentrates on: is the style of leadership between women and men different or similar? Is there a specific female form of leadership? Do these differences or similarities influence by causal factors (Eagly, 2001)? This documentary showsRead MoreHofstede And Globe ( Global Leadership And Organisation Behaviour Effectiveness1496 Words  | 6 PagesThis report is comparison between Hofstede and GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organisation Behaviour Effectiveness) research on Culture and Leadership. Hofstede and GLOBE is similar, they both investigation the behaviour of organisations in different countries and across culture. But the way and research scope still quite different. In this report we will summarized and reviewed the theoretical dimension of various culture and leadership. Include t he deficiencies in Hofstede’s work which the GLOBERead MoreWomen in Leadership Roles1671 Words  | 7 Pagesexamines the research on gender equity in educational leadership published since 1997until 2010. Even though women attaining jobs in school leadership has increased, women still do not fill administrative positions in comparison to men. The majority of research related to women and leadership examines the barriers women face in entering or moving up in the leadership hierarchy. Looking at the differences and similarities in how men and women take on and exercise leadership roles, the authors of theRead MoreGender Is An Indispensable Component Of Social System1130 Words  | 5 Pages1.1Gender Gender is a range of characteristics that are used to differentiate among male and female with each other which is seen to distinguish between male and female entities, extending from one s biological sex to, in humans, one s social role or gender end entity. The World health organization (WHO), for example, uses gender to refer to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women. Finally, the same wordRead More Leadership Style of Men and Women Essays1307 Words  | 6 PagesLeadership Style of Men and Women Women do have different leadership styles from men. As Bodyshop founder Anita Roddick says: ‘I run my company according to feminine principles – principles of caring, making intuitive decisions, not getting hung up on hierarchy, having a sense of work as being part of your life, not separate from it; putting your labour where your love is, being responsible to the world in how you use your profits; recognising the bottom line should stay at the bottom’. Read MoreA Reflection On Physical Aggression1426 Words  | 6 PagesJohar, 2015). When the narcissistic rage turns into aggression, usually it is â€Å"reactive†. Individuals with grandiose narcissism report more proactive, instrumental aggression to further one’s goals or social status (Krizan Johar, 2015). There is a gender symmetry in the rates of physical assault against a partner, whether it is in a marriage or a dating relationship (Archer, 2000, Straus 2007, Straus, 2009). In Ryan, Weikel, and Sprechini’s research (2008) women showed higher rates of physical assaultRead MoreEssay about Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management4498 Words  | 18 Pageschange in its gender composition, with increasing numbers of females graduating from hospitality and tourism management courses. This suggests that the gender composition of managerial ranks is likely to change in the medium term, with concurrent changes in the typical leadership style valued in the industry. This article seeks to explore and quantify the differences in gender-based perceptions of leadership styles and outcomes in the hospitality industry. Using the Multifactor Leadership QuestionnaireRead MoreGender and Leadership: Literature Review5185 Words  | 21 PagesGender and Leadership Literature Review 1. Introduction Leadership theories and literature describe what leaders should do and on the other hand literature also exists on what leaders actually do, the former are prescriptive and the latter are descriptive (Bratton et al; 2005). Leadership style is a relatively consistent set of behaviours that characterise a leader (DuBrin; 1995). The main leadership theories encompass the trait, behaviour, contingency, powerRead MoreGender and Leadership: Literature Review5170 Words  | 21 PagesGender and Leadership Literature Review 1. Introduction Leadership theories and literature describe what leaders should do and on the other hand literature also exists on what leaders actually do, the former are prescriptive and the latter are descriptive (Bratton et al; 2005). Leadership style is a relatively consistent set of behaviours that characterise a leader (DuBrin; 1995). The main leadership theories encompass the trait, behaviour, contingency, power influence
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Researchers Unlock How Cells Determine Their Functions Free Essays
The synopsis of this article relates to how a group of researchers from Riverside, California have revealed a molecular mechanism that directs the chance and role of cells during the process of animal development. The researchers’ discovery shows remarkable findings that are promising in the advancement of cancer and stem-cell research. The hypothesis of this article relates to even though each individual cell contains the complete DNA code, only small portions of this DNA code are activated. We will write a custom essay sample on Researchers Unlock How Cells Determine Their Functions or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore, the cell has a certain function instead of others. Every single gene in the DNA code is accountable for the construction of a specific protein. Activating certain genes as an alternative of others leads to the construction of a precise set of proteins and this leads to the cell acquiring a definite specific function. The strengths within the article address the overall context for their qualitative study. First, the article states that researchers give an insight explanation of how the protein epigenetic activators, known as Ash1, which is extracted from the fruit fly Drosophila, attaches to their target DNA and trigger genes that control what function a cell will have inside the subject’s body. More specifically, after reviewing the article, the in-depth examination of how these proteins bind to target DNA elements, such as Trithorax-reponse elements (TREs) with produces Non-coding RNA that helps stimulate the appearance of the Ubx gene by inviting the protein Ash1 to the TREs. The transgenic transcription of non-coding TRE RNA can change the type and function of cells within the body. Next, the article concludes that researchers are now focusing on how noncoding RNAs silence genes. The UCR researchers work, so far, have revealed that noncoding RNAs have an extensive range of functions than was previously known, and proposes a demonstration for how they can help activate, rather than silence, which is the fundamental regulator of animal development. Furthermore, this article shows an ample amount of weakness as well. From the main article, there was not enough information about how or exactly what causes the change in cell function. However, the related articles went into more in-depth detail of the significance of the article. The relevancy that this article has to everyday life is that many people suffer from diseases such as, different cancers, Alzheimer’s, and Autism. Therefore, in my opinion I think that this research, if proven effective, can help many people fight the ongoing battle of these diseases through stem cell research and cell splicing. The benefit of this research is that not only that researchers have identified that the activation of the mechanisms of epigenetic activators, such as Ash1, recognizes and binds these target genes and determine what functions a cell will have inside the body. The UCR researchers should perform a follow-up research on this discovery to be positive that the outcome that these researchers came up with is accurate in finding founding out how cells determine their function and if this is a step toward a cancer research. How to cite Researchers Unlock How Cells Determine Their Functions, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Finnish Funding Agency Technology Innovation-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Finnish Funding Agency Technology Innovation? Answer: Introducation Organizations are complex set of activities in which various functions are performed. This report reflects the financial analysis of JB Hi-Fi limited and evaluates all the internal and external factors of company. In this report, various sections or parts of JB Hi-Fi has been described. Different part of revenue generated by consolidated group of JB Hi-Fi Company With the increasing ramification of economic changes and complexity of business factors, JB Hi-Fi limited has increased its overall revenue by 3% as compared to last years. Total revenue of JB Hi-Fi limited is accompanied by sales of new stores, television, cameras and musical stores. The main revenue of company is generated by providing services to external customers (Alander,et al, 2013). Classification of group assets There are various rules and regulations are implemented and applied to each asset groups within the classification system of organization. There are several groups in which classification of assets of JB Hi-Fi limited is made such as current assets, fixed assets, tangible assets, intangible assets and other assets. This classification of groups of assets could be done by evaluating the annual report of company (Horngren, et al. 2012). Major categories listed among the groups equity It is observed that JB Hi-Fi limited has several parts in its group equity which are given as below Contributed equity- It is the part of the capital or investment owned by company. This contributed capital of JB Hi-Fi limited is AUD $ 438.7 million which has increased from AUD $49 million to AUD $ 438.7 million since last one year. Reserve- It is the amount of profit earned by company in current and previous year and not distributed to shareholders yet. This amount could be used by company to plug back in business for expansion and business enhancement purpose. JB Hi-Fi limited has AUD $ 33.2 million reserve (Horngren, et al, 2012). Retained earning- This distributable profit which are retained and not distributed to investors. JB Hi-Fi limited has 381.6 retained earnings and could be used by company at very loss cost of capital. JB Hi-Fi limited has more than 1.4 million shareholder at the end of financial year in its business functioning. Current liabilities for dividend to ordinary shareholders JB Hi-Fi limited has several current liabilities in its balance sheet. However, current liabilities to pay off divided to equity shareholders is related to payment of AUD $ 119.1 million to ordinary shareholders. This is the amount of dividend declared to shareholders which should be paid by the company within 30 days. If I were to own 100 ordinary shares in JB Hi-Fi limited then I would be having AUD $ 1.39 * 100= AUD 139.1. Comparing dividend per share of JB Hi-Fi limited with the groups earnings per share It is evaluated that in order to compare the dividend per share of JB Hi-Fi limited with groups earnings per share, investors needs to take similar industry company. After that dividend yield of company could be computed with the help of EPS and Market price of shares in market (Horngren, et al. 2012). References Alander, J., Bochko, V., Martinkauppi, J. B., Vlisuo, P., Sderbacka, C. (2013). Optical sensoring of internal hollow heart related defects of potatoes** We thank Sapuska program of Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation) for financial support.IFAC Proceedings Volumes,46(18), 24-28. Brigham, E. F., Ehrhardt, M. C. (2013). Financial management: Theory practice. Cengage Learning. Bruton, G., Khavul, S., Siegel, D., Wright, M. (2015). New financial alternatives in seeding entrepreneurship: Microfinance, crowdfunding, and peer?to?peer innovations.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,39(1), 9-26. Horngren, C., Harrison, W., Oliver, S., Best, P., Fraser, D., Tan, R. (2012). Financial accounting. Pearson Higher Education AU.
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